Ep. 2-11 — The One With No Jokes

Greetings, Traveler!

I have been informed that, regrettably, there are no jokes on the episode tonight. Not even one solitary bit of wordplay with which my mean pen could grace the edges of this post. Alas, Nathaniel has said that indeed there are none, a fact he surely discovered as he edited the podcast. Those of you who come to the show exclusively for Logan's trademark wit will undoubtedly be sorely disappointed; yea, perhaps even ashamed by his performance in this, the greatest of podcasting tragedies. My sincerest apologies, refunds will be issued at the door.

In this episode:

We speak and muse about the planar sky,
The earthly world and all our knowledge of
The planes, both deep beneath and high above.
But forsooth! It seems the japes have died.
But sorrow not, nor let your hearts feel dread;
You may create your own within your mind.
This sonnet may your heart's deep wounds now bind:
You're free to write your own goofs in your head.

Follow us at @initiative_role on Twitter and @initiative_role on Instagram.

Special thanks to Brian Altano and Weird Heat for the use of their tracks "Fear" and "Isolation", which we use during Monster of the Week at the end of the show.

Find the .mp3 file here.


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