
Showing posts from January, 2019

Ep. 11 - Squeaky Converse

Hey, all! We just wanted to let you all know that there was a great opportunity for a "Destiny's Child" reference in this one and we blew it. Don't fret, though, because this episode really drifts off the track. In this episode: Not Parting the Kimono; Wait for it... Kingdom Hearts; The Raven 2; You Raise Me Sozin's Comet; Jabba the Slave Girl; The Basement Tapes; Don't Mega Encounter; The List That Doesn't Exist; "He is Not a Man of God"; LOLA BUNNY; Real Doorbells of Las Vegas Find the .mp3 file here .

Ep. 10 - Hagbag, Hagbag!

Hey, howdy, y'all! We're coming to you this episode straight from the living room of Logan's third floor apartment. We brought it to you right after the one we released yesterday in order to hopefully  get back on our weekly Tuesday release schedule. There's a little bit of audio difficulty in this one... We sorta... Well... You know what, you'd better just listen to the episode. In this episode: Paper-Free D&D, Not a Podcast Rainman, Quinn Ignores the Dice, An Ironic Moment, Spellbook Cloud, Pop Up Spellbook, Canine Body Bag, The Science of Ant Farming, Another N64 Deep Pull, Climbing a Cliff Bar, Propeller Sword, Nathaniel Still Gets the Blog Wrong, Flight and Fight, Don't Play D&D at Work!, Background Weed Joke, The One Reason to Not Watch Stranger Things, Monster Cards, 4/5 Are Brian, Jason and Britney

Ep. 9 - 85 Pizza Rolls

Hey, everyone! You're probably thinking to yourselves: "Where is that podcast that I love so much?" Well, we spent the last couple of days analyzing our patterns, and we decided to do an episode on pacing. Maybe our next one will be on how to release things on time. In this episode: The Buffug, How to Pace Your Podcast, Shave and a Haircut, The Sharn Scarns, Batman: Arkham Fancast, Chicken Nugget Record Holder, Birds Are In, Hello From the Other Side From The Other Side, A Shameless Plug, New Corner Same Bold Taste, Apple and Microsoft Tech Analysis?, Logan Forgets Mark Ruffalo, We Buy a House Zoo, "Chompy Mage!", "This is NOT that cast, but.."

Ep. 8 - The Drag-laration of Independence

If there's one thing we're known for at Initiative Role, it's for delivering content late. But this tardy episode is special, because it's officially hosted by a scholar.  That's right, internet. You'll probably want to buckle in your seatbelts for this one. In this episode: Our Academic Podcast, Gotta Catch 'em All!, Dinner Roll Dragons, Forgetting a Move, Donkey Fetish, Black Arrow Antics, Dragon Size Dilemmas, Tuesday Night with Dinklage, Blue Eyes White Declaration, Don't Name Your Dragon After the God of War, The Best of Both Multiverses, Noah's Arcane

Ep. 7 - Initiative Role: Live from the Fallout Bunker

Greetings, all! We're coming to you live from our holiday bunker, where we've spent the last two weeks in our respective corners, hiding, indulging in gluttony, and playing Pokémon. Enjoy the episode!